One of the latest Internet crazes has been http://www.fmylife.com/. It's full of people's everyday life situations. Some are more comical, and others are just down-right shocking!
If you haven't visited the site, do it! It's for those times when you've had a really rough day and think to yourself: "how could this day possibly get any worse?" My dad always says that things in life could be a lot worse than what they are, and after reading a few posts on fmylife.com, I realized he couldn't be more right.
After a few minutes on the website, I was desperately trying to stifle my laughter in front of Baltimore's NBC sports anchor, producer, and other interns. With everything from fake proposals to playing Jesus Christ in a play while having an erection, fmylife.com has every embarrassing moment you could ever imagine. And if it doesn’t, then feel free to share with the world some personal humiliation and make a post yourself.
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