I have met many a celebrity in my day…and get your mind out of the gutter! I’ve never done any “favors” to get myself backstage; just my wit, my charm, and a little procrastination.
I hate to reveal one of my biggest “how to get backstage” secrets but here it is. At a Dane Cook concert in College Park, my friend and I stayed after the show to see if we could get backstage. We had never done this before, but we were willing to try it out, and boy oh boy, we were determined.
The security guards (a.k.a. rent-a-cops) kept telling us to leave the arena and we kept telling them that we were waiting for our friend who worked backstage.
After a few more attempts by the guards and a little procrastination to vacate the premises, the tour manager came out and said that Dane would love to meet the few of us fans who stayed back after the show.
It was awesome! We hung out for a half hour, even though we were only supposed to stay ten minutes (again, procrastination at its best). It was one of the coolest experiences I’ve had. So now you know my secret, try it out and let me know if it works for you.
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